RUTUCHARYA -The Seasonal Regimen for Good Health
Rutu the season, classified by different features expresses various effects on the body as well as the environment. The concept of Rutucharya has been explained widely in all the Brihat Trayees of Ayurveda (Charaka,Sushrutha & Vagbhata samhita). It has laid out various rules & regimens, regarding diet & behaviour to acclimatize seasonal enforcement easily without altering the body’s haemostasis. Rutu means season & Charya means regimen or discipline.
As a whole the concept of following rutucharya is important for an individual to gain Bala (Strength) & Varna (Lusture). The Aim of Ayurveda is
Swasthasya swaasthya rakshanam, aaturasya roganuth
[ Means to maintain the health of the healthy rather than means to cure the diseases of the ailing].
This is Achived by following Rutucharya.
The entire year [ that is 12 months /365/366] days are divided into 6 parts according to seasons
- The Northward movement of the sun (Adanakala\Uttarayana) that is from late winter to late summer
It includes :
Shishira Magha – January to February
(Late Winter) - Phalguna - February to March
Vasanta - chitra - March to April
(Spring) - vaishaka - April to May
Grishma - Jeyshta - May to June
(Summer) - Ashada - June to July
- The south ward movement of the sun (Visarga kala) that is from seasons beginning with the rainy to early winter - Dakshinayana
It includes :
Varshva – Sravana – July to August (Rainy season) - Bhadrapada – August to September
Sharad –Ashwayuja- September to October
(Autumn)- Kartika – October to November
Hemantha – Margshira - November to December
Pushya - December to January
Concept of Rutu Sandhi
Rutu = Seasons
Sandhi = Function , meeting place
Rutu sandhi is the period between two Rutus
‘Rutvo antya aadi saptahhou......
( Ref: Astanga Hridaya Samhita Sootrasthana 3/57)
The last 7 days of the previous season and the first 7 days of the present season or upcoming season (the season about to begin) put together is called as Rutu Sandhi
In Rutu Sandhi one should let go the practise of the previous season and start inculcating the practices of the upcoming season. The practices should be adopted in a step ladder pattern, so should the let going process. They should be done in slowly & systematically so that the body gets accustomed to the new regimen pertaining to the particular season as a whole. Thus it gains prime importance to inculcate the prescribed healthy habits during this Rutu Sandhi.
Dietics and Regimen for particular Ritu Sandhi :
Sharad ↔ Hemantha :
Last week of November to First week of December
Dosha – Vitiation of Vata
Bala/ Strength – Uttama (strong)
- During cold winter , the digestive power of people possessing good health is enhanced due to the restraint caused upon it by cold wind, so much so that it is capable of digesting any food stuff.
- It results in vitiation of vata
- Diseases :
- Harshana (Horripilation/goosebumps)
- Danta Harsha (Sensitive of tooth & gums)
- Tundikeri (tonsilits)
- Swara bheda (Hoarseness of voice)
- Medho Roga
- Mukha Shosha (Dryness in mouth)
- Shiroruk (head ache)
- Hikka (Hiccups)
Pathya & aushadha
- Snigdha (unctuous), lavan(salt),amla (sour) food
- Gandhusha (Mouth Gargling) & Kavala
- Talisadi choorna – ⅓-0-⅓ with honey
- Trikatu choorna- ⅓-0-⅓ with honey
Hemantha ↔ Shishira
Month – last week of January – First week of February
- The days in between these two seasons causes dryness caused by Adana (absorption) andShaitya (cold) is caused by the clouds, winds & rains
Dosha - vata
Vyadhi :
- Pratishyaya – common cold /running nose
- Kanta Shosha –Hoarseness of voice
- Jwara – fever / pyrexia
- Angamarda – Maliase, heaviness of body
- Sore throat
- Pricking sensation in throat
Pathya :
- One should stay in a warm enclosure/settlement/house during this season,
avoid taking drinks that increases vata (katu(pungent)
Aushadha :
- Taila abhyanga , swedana (formentation)
- Talisadi choorna -⅓-⅓-⅓ with honey
- Sitophaladi choorna -⅓-⅓-⅓ with honey
- Vyoshadi vataka 2-2-2
- Lavangadi vati 2-2-2
- Maha Lakshmi vilasa rasa 2-2-2
- Sanjeevini vati 2-2-2
Shishira ↔ Vasanta
Last week of March – First week of April
Dosha- Kapha
Agni – Tikshna
During the spring, the accumulated kapha is liquified by the spring, the heat of the sun and as such disturbs the power of the digestion
- Aalasya (laziness)
- Aruchi (Anorexia)
- Tandra (stupor)
- Asya(tongue) virasya (Helitosis)
- Tamaka Shwasa (status Asthamaticus)
- Apakti (indigestion)
- Kantopalepa (adherence of kapha in the throat)
- Kaphaja Kasa(Cough with expectoration)
- Vamana karma (emesis therapy)
Virechana karma (purgation therapy)
- Niruha basti (decoction enema)
- Anuvasana basti(oil enema)
- Kavala gandusha (gargling)
Pathya :
- Vyayama ,anjana karma(to the eyes, clears kapha in the eyes)
- Applying chandana & Agaru to the body
- Khadiradi vati 1-1-1
- Chitrakadi vati 1-1-1
- Sootashekara Rasa 1-0-1
- Arogyavardhini gutika 1-0-1
Vasantha ↔Greeshma (summer)
Last week of May – First week of June
Dosha –vata + pitta (Agni)
Agni -uttama ,
Bala –uttama
During summer the sun drains moisture from the earth.
Vyadhi :
- Kanta daha (burning sensation in throat)
- Kanta sosha (dryness in throat )
- Asya vipaka (stomatitis- mouth ulcers)
- Gala paaka (pharyngitis)
- Trishnaadhikya (excessive thirst)
Pathya & Aushadha :
- Gritha pana( ingestion of medicated ghee)
- Shali anna ( Shali rice)
- Divaswapna(sleep during daytime)
- Anointing paste of chandana
- Shadanga paneeya ( a drink made of 6 herbs, coolant in nature)
- Sarivadhyasava( Drink made of herb Saariva)
- Sarivasharkara
- Kharjuradi mantha ( churned decoction of Kharjura)
- Chandanasava (Made of Chandana – Sandal)
- Gandoosha and Kavala with tila taila (gargling/ oil pulling)
Greeshma ↔Varsha
Last week of July –first week of August
Dosha- vata ,pitta, kapha
Bala –weak;
Rain water –dosha –vata –kapha
In the body further weakened by the vitiation of vata and other doshas during rains.
The power of digestion in the period is also affected due to inherent heat oozing out of the earth and rainfall (due to the involvement of pseudomonas bacteria present in the earth)
- The Rutu also increases acidity in water
- Bacterial throat infection
- Tonsillitis (tundikeri)
- Gastroenteritis (pakwashya vikara)
- Anaroebic diarrhoea (atisara)
- Chardi (vomiting)
- Udana vaya dusti
Aushadha :
- Basti (Enema)
- Kutaja arishta
- Bilwadi gutika
- Yastimadhu choorna
- Pushkaramrutha
- Kanakasava
- Kavala & Gandoosha
Varsha ↔ Sharad
Last weekof September to first week of October
The body parts adapted for rains and cold by now are suddenly exposed to the heat of the sun with the beginning of autumn, so the pitta accumulated during the rain generally gets vitiated
- The water exposed to the heat of the sun during the day and to cooling rays of the moon during night . This is purified with time and detoxicated by Agatsya Nakshatra & is known as Hamsodaka , very good for drinking, bathing , and swimming
- Kota
- Sheetapitta /skin disorders
- Daha (buring)
- Vivarnya (discolouration)
- Ati sweda
- Twak roga ,
- Kanta daha
- Tiktasyata(bitterness)
- Asya vipaka ( mouth ulcers)
- Atrupti
- Gala paka( throat ulcers)
Aushadha :
- Virechana , Rakta mokshana ,
- Khadiradivati
- Sarivadhyasava
- Arogya vardhini gutika
- Mahamanjistadi Kashaya
This is a brief explanation of the regimen to be followed during particular Rutu sandhi. It is a difficult task for us to let go certain things and to inculcuate certain regimen immediately.
The concept of Rutu sandhi has been explained to lead a healthy life away from seasonal variations & must be followed to maintain swastya.